

Hey, Let’s Talk!

Hey, Let’s Talk!

It was such a pretty Saturday with temps in the 60’s a light breeze from the southwest and a partly cloudy sky. The perfect day to do some Autumn yard chores before the wet cold Winter arrived. I’ve been cutting up the four fallen trees and chopping them into firewood and after several loads I decided to take a break about mid-afternoon on the back patio and hydrate with a frosty adult beverage.

My remaining cat, an adolescent black and white male I call Mr. Tux, came around to visit and while we sat soaking up the warm sunshine I noticed that he’d become very still and had stopped purring. Slowly without turning my head I shifted my eyes to my left and into the edge of the woods behind my house. At first I didn’t notice anything but after a quick movement I made out two deer, a doe and a spike about 20 yards away and right at the forest boundary. Almost majestic and solemn - How quiet they’d been coming up.


Did You Know?

Did You Know?
Did You Know?

The histories of DeSoto Parish and Mansfield are interesting and additional facts are constantly found. An example of this very thing is the surveying of Mansfield and where the names of the streets came from. Of course DeSoto Parish was formed April 1, 1843 when Governor Mouton, Father of Gen. Mouton of the Battle of Mansfield fame, signed Act 88 of the first session of the Sixteenth Legislature of the State of Louisiana. DeSoto was not named to honor the Spanish explorer Ferdinand DeSoto, as many believe. It was named after Marcel DeSoto, who led the first group of European settlers to a settlement known as Bayou Pierre. Marcel was the son-inlaw of Louis Juchereau de St. Denis, founder of Natchitoches. As a review, the first president of the Police Jury was John Wagner who lived west of Grand Cane and south of Screamerville. He was also selected by the Jury to execute deeds during the 1843 – 54 period.


So I Fell In Love

So I Fell In Love

Don’t worry—John and I are still very much in love and married. We’re not going anywhere. But I did fall in love a few weeks ago. And what do I mean, exactly?

Merriam-Webster defines love as “a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties”. This strong affection can come from romantic feelings, admiration, benevolence, or common interests. Synonyms for love include affection, attachment, devotion, fondness, and passion. Even the British use it as informal term of address, as in, “Thank you, love.” Love is also a score of zero in tennis. Honestly, we use the word way too much.

But I think I did fall in love a few weeks ago, as in a strong affection for another arising out of admiration. Exactly eight anothers—ten if you count the dogs.


Summary of Recommendations for Nov. 18th 2023 Constitutional Amendments

Summary of Recommendations for Nov. 18th 2023 Constitutional Amendments

There will be 4 more constitutional amendments on the Nov. 18th ballot.* Please know that there are often credible, principled reasons to view such measures differently. Below are my respectful recommendations:

CA 1) Yes. It allows for efficiency if the Legislature is already in session and they want to override a governor’s veto instead of requiring the expense of a separate veto session to do so.

CA 2). No. These so-called inactive funds could be used again in the future even if they are under- utilized now. (People could also legitimately vote “For” this if they want to clean up these six inactive funds).

CA 3). Yes. I am always in favor of allowing police, firefighters and other first responders to be afforded an additional property tax exemption given that they are often so underpaid as it is.


The “Lawfare” by the Radical Left to Remove Trump from State Ballots is Dangerous, Undemocratic

They just never stop. May we be as committed to protecting and preserving our American ideals and beliefs as the national Left is to erasing them.

As attorney and commentator, Mike Davis, has stated, “what is happening … is so much bigger than President Donald Trump. The “lawfare” (i.e., illicitly using the law and legal system as a weapon against political enemies) being committed by activist lawyers and activist judges against him are republic-ending tactics. If the radical left can just remove people from ballots, we are not going to have a country anymore.” (Mike Davis, Article III Project (A3P)).


From the Word

From the Word

It seems to this writer that morals, language, and compassion are fleeing away from the general majority across the land and that immorality, bad language, hatred, and ruthlessness are becoming the norm for our society. People are heard cursing one another our in area grocery stores unashamed of their conduct. Divorce seems to be the outlet goal for many married couples.

I read these scriptures from 1 Corinthians 5 and 6: “I wrote unto you in my letter not to associate with immoral people, not to associate with a brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler, not even to eat with such a one.” (Ch. 5:9-11) Salvation makes a difference in one’s life. Old things and old habits pass away when one comes to the Savior. When he or she asks for forgiveness and repents of their sins. Sins are gone and the old sin nature is changed.


On U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson’s Election as U.S. House Speaker

Dear Editor: Mike Johnson’s election today as U.S. House Speaker marks the culmination of a meteoric rise in the U.S House of Representatives, the result of his diligent but often low-key work advancing conservative constitutional principles and doing so in a respectful and inoffensive manner.

In a highly partisan, if not often toxic, U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Johnson first spearheaded the introduction of a “Commitment to Civility” resolution and he has remained committed to maintaining civil and courteous interaction among members of Congress, often in the face of heated policy and political disagreement. His demeanor and comportment certainly contributed to his gaining the support for Speaker of his fellow members of the often-rambunctious House Republican Conference.


From the Word

From the Word
From the Word

I have met some of the finest men who are servants of our King of Kings, the Lord Jesus. They are men who like to fish or they have lakes to fish in on their properties. One such man is Bobby Patrick. I met him along with his family and mother while serving at Fellowship Church near Converse. We painted the patronage before Helen and Imoced in. I was in his Sunday School (Men’s Class), knew his mother, visited her several times. He has a a beautiful lake nearby and has invited me to fish which I have on several occasions and have caught some very nice fish.

Another man is Ed Litton, his wife, and Mother Grace. I have known them for a very long time and served for a time as their interim pastor at Fellowship Church Converse. I have been invited to fish in their lake, which I have done. I always come away with some nice fish.


Living the Bible Today

Living the Bible Today

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”Matthew 24:6 NKJV Are you anxious or frightened with the war in Israel? If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ you should not be. Notice in the verse above: See that you are not TROUBLED. Other Bible translations use the word FRIGHTENED or ALARMED. Why are we not troubled, frightened or alarmed? Because God is still in charge and in control. Doubt should not rule your heart because in any situation we can find ourselves, God’s Will will be done. Remember as a Christian you have the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Why? Because to God these events are not a surprise. Understand wars and turmoil will happen. For Biblical prophecy to be fulfilled they must happen. These activities are the result of the spiritually unredeemed man’s attitudes and behaviors because of a sinful nature. We live in a sinful world ruled by Satan and his demons.


The Farm Wife

The Farm Wife
The Farm Wife

Start a New Holiday Tradition

Each year, our homes are filled with family, friends, and neighbors. Our homes are decorated, the oven is creating mouth-watering aromas, and we can’t wait to sit down and enjoy good food and fellowship.

When we sit down, often the table is covered with the tablecloth we save for special occasions. The fine China and silverware is pulled out of its storage cabinet ahead of time and carefully washed, dried, and polished. Your table looks like a work of art when you finish.

At least, until you start thinking about all the young children gathered around the table. Then you get a bit nervous, wondering if something will get broken. Or, if Uncle Bill is going to get as boisterous as last year and knock a glass over on the table. You dread having to get those stains out.

Wouldn’t it be more fun to eliminate the nervousness and worry this year? You can, you know. All you have to do is get creative.


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